Tag: mining pools
European bitcoin mining – reemergence post halving. CMG regional series part 2: Europe
Webinar by CryptocurrencyMining.Group (CMG) Berlin on Tuesday 16 June 2020 start 1700 – 1800 CET / 1100 – 1200 EDT VIDEO RECORDING (IN CMG YOUTUBE CHANNEL): LINK HERE AGENDA: European cryptocurrency mining space was a pioneer in transparent mining operations already in 2016-17. We will be discussing developments in bitcoin mining in Europe over…
BTC Mining 2020: halving, regulation and new financial solutions for miners
Description Webinar by CryptocurrencyMining.Group Berlin on Thursday 16 April 2020 start 18.00-19.00 CEST ( 12.00 EDT / 09.00 PDT) Webinar VIDEO RECORDING: CMG Berlin -YOUTUBE CHANNEL Thanks for everyone for joining. Apologies for being 15 min late with update increasing limit for # of participants. Feel free to reach out on any unanswered/additional…
Bitcoin Mining | Hashrate pressure for Miners and Mining Pools landscape
Please follow the link for more information about meetup on 25 September 2019 https://www.meetup.com/Cryptocurrency-Mining-Group/events/264956255/ Taking into account recent developments we want to discuss hot topics: 1. Rising hashrate adds pressure point for miners: are we using most efficient hardware now? will it be sustainable with further increase of hashrate and upcoming halving…